Category: Uncategorized
A Maze in Telly
How I arranged the 4-Square Maze theme for an orchestra in MuseScore 4.
Remember the name
A look back at some bits and bobs I did as a favour for the late, and much missed, Rob Milburn.
Lemons Parking
A look at what the ground-breaking First Report/News at One theme would sound like if it had been played by an orchestra.
We will mend it…
At the end of June 2023, my friend Mark Simpson from BBC Northern Ireland’s presentation department wrote to me with a rather unusual request. “An incident has occurred with our BBC1NI globe. It seems a new cleaner has been into our Pres suite and wiped the legend with something which has taken some of the…
Trade Test Transmission
This is just a quick post in case you come across this page accidentally. I am going to blog about my hobbies: the BBC Micro, fonts, Blender, Inkscape, Linux, the GIMP, Python and anything else I happen to be playing with. I’m just moving into this WordPress blog at the moment, so I’ll start writing…